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Doing Business Archives - Eric S. Degen, CPA Titan Accountancy

July 22, 2024

Innovation is a State of Mind

You probably know the myth of innovation as a sudden flash of insight that comes from nowhere. We read about that “aha” moment, or that light bulb turning on in the mind of some inventor or innovator, and this is true to an extent. Einstein really did get flashes of insight while shaving in the

April 23, 2024

Why 90% of Small Businesses Fail

In the world of entrepreneurship, small businesses play a pivotal role in driving innovation, creating jobs, and stimulating economic growth. However, despite their significance, a staggering 90% of small businesses fail within their initial years. This high failure rate can be attributed to a variety of factors ranging from financial mismanagement to market dynamics. Understanding

March 18, 2024

10 Tips For Building Strong Relationships With Your Consulting Clients

When meeting with consulting clients, many professionals naturally feel comfortable getting down to business by heading straight to crunching numbers, going through reports, etc. This approach may seem logical, but it’s not always the best approach for relationship building. What many professionals might consider a confident tone may come across as overbearing or even intimidating

September 19, 2023

Identifying and Cultivating Opportunities: Guidance for Small Businesses

In today’s competitive business landscape, the identification and cultivation of opportunities can be the distinguishing factor between stagnation and growth.  Below, we share some guidance for small businesses to help you harness potential avenues for expansion. Continual Education is Paramount To stay ahead in any industry, one must maintain an up-to-date knowledge base. Regularly attending

February 28, 2023

Benefits of a Non-Disclosure Agreement

A non-disclosure agreement (also known as an NDA) is a contract between two parties which outlines confidential information that one party wishes to protect and keep confidential from the other. There are many benefits associated with using an NDA, and in this article, we will discuss some of them. First and foremost, an NDA helps

January 25, 2023

Strategic Drivers of Business

Strategic drivers of business are forces, both internal and external, that shape an organization’s business strategy.  Strategies that fail to adapt to forces such as technological change, competition and regulations are recipes for disaster. By no means comprehensive, below we discuss eight such drivers, to set you on the right path: Organizational Effectiveness: Does the company

November 22, 2022

The Magic, Universal Business Formula

Have you ever wondered if there is ONE business formula that is consistent across ALL types of businesses? ONE master reference point that summarizes the KEY DRIVERS OF BUSINESS that can be applied universally across all businesses. A common language that can help a technology business owner learn from a delivery company or a retail

July 26, 2022

Tips to Help Win More Proposals

You have landed the opportunity to present your proposal to a prospective new client.  You should always have a game-plan and the following preparatory and presentation tips should help tip the scales in your favor. Do the proper research. Learn as much about the prospective client before meeting as you can.  “Google is your friend.” 

April 25, 2022

How to Be a Creative Entrepreneur

There’s a great line in Alice in Wonderland when the Queen says, “Sometimes I think of 6 impossible things before breakfast.” I think you’ll agree that this has to be creativity at its best! As a small business owner this is an ideal you really need to strive for … but how on earth can

March 22, 2022

How to Get a Patent

Have you invented the next big thing?  Built a better mousetrap?  If you invent or discover a new and useful “process, machine, manufacture, or composition thereof” you can apply for a federal patent to protect your invention from being used by others without your permission. Do you remember the first video arcade game, Pong? Invented