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Decision Making Archives - Eric S. Degen, CPA Titan Accountancy

April 25, 2023

Critical Planning for Success

In this rough inflationary environment, one thing is for sure: sooner or later many businesses simply won’t be able to hold off any longer on making critical business decisions while waiting for a strong uptick in the economy.   Furthermore, customers may sooner or later say “I’m tired of this,” or “I can’t wait anymore,” or

August 10, 2021

Adapting to the Pandemic – What Comes Next?

The Covid-19 pandemic forced many small businesses to become resourceful and innovative about how they conducted business.  While we are all still on the road to recovery, some of the hybrid business models used to adapt that came from necessity may be here to stay.  Below are four ways small businesses adapted in response to

July 20, 2021

Solving Problems and Making Decisions

Problem solving and decision-making are key roles in any business. However, many people often try to solve problems and make decisions by reacting to them before they fully understand all the possible factors. They feel that the quickness of a decision is more important than the long-term outcome. There are times when a quick decision